Learn some basic assumptions of one of the leading approaches in humanistic-existential psychotherapy. Click here to learn more about Gestalt Therapy. 1 Live now – pay more attention to the present than to the past and the future. 2 Live here – take care of what is, not what isn’t. 3 Experience yourself and accept yourself as you are. 4 Stop thinking unnecessarily – instead, look and taste, see the environment as it is and get in touch with it. 5 Express yourself – don’t manipulate, don’t explain, don’t justify, don’t judge. 6 Surrender to experiencing unpleasantness and pain just like you surrender yourself to experiencing pleasure. Do not limit your awareness. 7 Don’t accept any “you should” except for those really yours. 8 Take full ownership for your actions, feelings and thoughts. 9 Be yourself and let others be themselves. 10 Open to change and growth – be ready to experiment to encounter new situations.